Childcare Committees Ireland (CCI) is seeking a consultant to engage
with Boards, Managers and Staff of **Apply on the website** County
Childcare Committees (CCCs) across Ireland. The purpose of this
engagement is to explore and garner opinions and viewpoints which will
be collated into a document that can support individual CCCs in their
submissions to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability
Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) Review of Operating Systems. The
DCEDIY?s Review of Operating Systems is currently out for tender and
will include a Review of the Early Learning and Care and School Age
Childcare Operating System in Ireland including analysis of options
for change.
The **Apply on the website** CCCs are Company?s Limited by
Guarantee. CCCs act as the support and advice agency for Early
Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) services in
their respective areas.
Childcare Committees Ireland (CCI) is a national body of **Apply on
the website** City and County Childcare Committee?s (CCCs) and was
established in **Apply on the website**. Since this time CCI has
provided a consistent conduit through which the voices of the **Apply
on the website** CCCs are articulated. In addition, CCI has assisted
the DECDIY with the development and implementation of policy, projects
and programmes within their remit. The National Representative Group
(NRG)within CCI consists of 6 CCC Managers who represent CCCs in each
of the CCI Areas (3).
CCI exists to provide the Department of Children, Equality, Disability
Integration and Youth with a unique structure to influence, implement
and advance Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare National
Our core values are underpinned by the philosophy of Professionalism,
Collaboration, Consultation, One Voice and Leading change.
The objectives of the research are:
* Review and analyse the national literature for the ELC and SAC
Review of Operating Systems.
* Facilitate discussions with Board members, managers and staff of
* Create a blueprint document that each CCC can use as reference for
their own submission to DCEDIY?s review. This should include an
analysis of the commonalities amongst CCCs on the future operating
The researcher will undertake the following tasks:
* Desk research: a literature review of CCIs current documents,
strategic plan and any other relevant documents. Review of the DCEDIY
Tender, TOR for the Oversight group, Communications plan and
associated documents.
* Group discussions: Working with NRG (CCI), create a series of
Online workshops with Board members, Managers and Staff of CCCs. These
sessions facilitated by the consultant will focus on a series of
prescribed questions (already agreed).
* Deliver a consultation report which will document the findings
from the literature review and group discussions. This will highlight
the common themes to the questions posed from each of the groups
(Board, Managers and Staff) and also highlight areas where there was
no consensus or differing views. All input should be captured.
The work should begin in late November **Apply on the website** with
consultations to be completed over a four-five-week period. It is
anticipated that the final report will be submitted to CCI by the
**Apply on the website**th January **Apply on the website**.
The successful tender for the project will produce the following
* The contractor will liaise with NRG on a weekly basis and/or as
required for the purpose of providing progress updates.
* Final report to CCI.
The successful tender will carry out an initial discussion with CCI
National Representative Group. From this a literature review will be
carried out. The successful tenderer will facilitate a number of
Online discussions (approx. 9 sessions) with people in each of the 3
groups. The findings of these discussions will be incorporated into
the final report. The successful tender will liaise with the National
Representative Group throughout the process.
It is estimated that the research will take no more than 8 days to
complete, between literature review, online sessions and report
writing. The budget available for this consultative work is
?4,**Apply on the website** inclusive of VAT.
Tenders should demonstrate:
* Relevant research experience, an understanding or experience of the
ELC and SAC sector.
* Proven experience of working with a diverse group, voluntary board
members, managers and staff from a number of CLGs at one time.
* Proven experience in change management consultation.
* Experience of qualitative research, including facilitating group
* Commitment to the values of the CCI.
* A proven commitment to professionalism.
* Evaluation and report writing experience.
* Experience that demonstrates ethical standards will be met
throughout the research process and ensuring that data protection and
confidentiality provisions will be met.
In no more than 2,**Apply on the website** words, submissions should
include the following:
* Overall approach to the work and the tasks outlined
* Proposed methodology for the work to be undertaken
* Name and contact details of the tenderer / organisation and the
personnel who would be involved in the delivery of the work
* Previous experience of all personnel involved in undertaking the
work (copies of previous work can be attached to tender if preferred)
* Detailed costings for the work to be undertaken
* Timeframe for the completion of the tasks of the research
* Details of two referees
Tenderers should be submitted by email only to?**APPLY ON THE
WEBSITE**?by Monday **Apply on the website**th November at 5pm.
Please mark the subject line of the email ?CCI Tender?.
We need : English (Good)
Type: Permanent
Category: Others